Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Baby Einstein Puppets Names

González Montes on Cesar Vallejo's narrative

In an era where every moment narrators emerge in Latin America - 39 narrators under 39 years are met in Colombia, an unusual setting - and with Critics looking for references and "masters" of all that mass of young narrators, it may be helpful to the book of Antonio González Montes-matter of the note, which revises the narrative works of César Vallejo, perhaps more for those narrators paradigm less than 39 years still live the way with the same ingenuity with which Carlos Eduardo Zavaleta imitated James Joyce in the fifties.

In 1923, César Vallejo Scales published, a book that brings together his narrative. Had previously published The Black Heralds and Trilce. Unlike the latter, Scales not receive the same for criticism. Even the same José Carlos Mariategui, so enthusiastic about his poetry, does not mention this work in his "Process of Peruvian literature ( Seven Interpretative Essays on Peruvian Reality , Lima, Amauta, 1928). This behavior, linked to praise poetry and almost ignore the narrative production vallejiana was maintained during the following decades, except for a note which highlighted the looks fantastic stories, and their inclusion in several anthologies (especially Cera) .

not until the eighties began to generate interest in the narrative vallejiana. We could cite the work of Chilean critic Eduardo Neale-Silva, Trinidad Barrera, Sonia Mattalia and Jeffrey Charles Fisher, among others. In general, these authors examine the accounts of scales from different critical perspectives, and try to discuss relationships narrative with the modernist and avant-garde.

Antonio González Montes, Master in Peruvian and Latin American Literature, longtime professor at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and author of Cesar Vallejo (1969), Structure of the novelistic text (1987), Semiotics (1989) and Peruvian Periocuentos (1977), is attached to this sort of "boom" critical narrative about the publication vallejiana scales toward modernization narrative (Lima, Fondo Editorial San Marcos, 2002) , a book that has its origin in his Master's thesis, which is presented as a careful attempt to discuss the peripherality of César Vallejo's narrative about his poetry, and to establish an intertextual dialogue with all its production.

The strands of the journey that makes González Montes is intertextuality, the metacriticism and text analysis. Regarding the former, we review the intertextuality between the texts of Scales and articles, stories, novels and poetry of César Vallejo. Result of this intertextual dialogue González Montes "reveals some consistent themes specific to the ideological and aesthetic design the writer "(p. 47). In this line of thought González Montes is thematic links between Scales and The Black Heralds, positing the thesis that there is "a very existential and aesthetic design" (p. 34) between them. One example is the story sill, which belongs to the section Cuneiform, and the poem Give us where recreate agree "breakfast scenes in which the subject evocative distilled nostalgia" (p. 34 .) Also found homologies between Scales and Trilce . According to González Montes, for example, "the theme of justice has a significant presence in the two sections of Scales and Cuneiform is the axis of at least three texts: Northwest Wall , Wall The Wall and Dobleancho . In Choir winds, the story Liberation subscribes to the Vallejo constant concern for what's right or wrong. In Trilce can trace the manifestation of that in texts XVIII, XXII, L and LIII "(p. 39). Similarly, is relations with the rest of the production vallejiana.

For its part, the approach allows metacritical González Montes do a thorough tour by the bulk of critical production around Scales, revealing aspects that could lead to a reevaluation of the narrative work of Vallejo. This is denoted by tightening the heading "Recent Criticism: autonomy and intertextuality," which reviews the contributions of Eduardo Neale-Silva in his book César Vallejo, Storyteller / Scrutiny of an innovation attempt multiple (Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSalvat Editores , 1987). In the text, Neale-Silva is based as from various analytical procedures, the thesis that scales not only part of the avant-garde short stories, but inserts new topics.

In the third chapter González Montes develops the core of its work: a review of the issues Scales -emphasizing the issue of Claude Couffon-cutting and narratological analysis. The purpose of this analysis, the author asserts, "is to study the entire book, and proceeded to examine each of the texts that constitute the two sections of the book. When performing exegesis take into account the interpretations proposed by different scholars of the book, but try to establish our own reading "(p. 132). Taking as a narrator and the discursive structures of the stories, makes Montes González demonstrate its competence to develop detailed textual analysis.

These contributions make to the modernization narrative Scales an essential book for those interested in exploring the narrative of our greatest poet.

Photos: [1] César Vallejo, [2] Antonio González Montes and Miguel Gutierrez, [3] Antonio González Montes and Julio Ortega, [4] Alonso Cueto, Edgardo Rivera Martínez, Antonio González Montes, Ricardo González -Vigil, Edward Hopkins.


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