Saturday, September 25, 2010

Long Does Lice Take Show Up


He told me

When you say "I love you"
means forever.

"I Love You"

means that you accept as you are, and I do not want

change anything you are.

"I Love You"
means I do not expect perfection in you,
the Like you did not expect me.

"I Love You"
means you love him and stand by your side
even in the worst moments.
means you
love when you're cranky or when fatigue
you from doing what you do wish
love means both
happy moments as in discouragement.

"I Love You"
know your most intimate secrets and not judge you for them, knowing
not judge me by my family.
means fighting for what we have.
means thinking of you, dream of you, wish you and need you

"I Love You ..."
means "Forever" ...

I said, I LOVE YOU

, nothing anyone can start it by myself.
I LOVE YOU, being, being, to love, to calm.
I LOVE YOU, because one day you came to me, without asking permission,
came in, without asking permission, you quedastes, without permission, and you asentastes
me, all full of you.
I sat and your presence in me, I got bigger.
Without your permission, I accepted you, pamper you, I loved it.
Without your permission, I loved you.

The state of consciousness became more infinite and lasting
am, are, are. NOS LOVE.
We find without having the pleasure of our body, we
to know that we are, we
because we are, we LOVE
and no body, we just love.

meditate and find my answer, my answer
you live in without permission and without permission
, live in me.

and began their journey together ...

Much love to all, Ross.


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