Monday, February 28, 2011

Ontario Driver Licence Temp0late

The wonder

more people arrived to the choir already amounted to thousands. No, for now, stop the crowd. All resulted from a man who stopped to look at the infinite. Something strange appeared in his speech. With observation, the gesture made involuntarily, had been relaxed to be at peace with himself. He had seen the wonder.

The man looked for a long time the appearance that, in view of passersby, it was more than the daily landscape. When he left the site, a curious came to inspect the area. One's eyes filled with brightness, is now tilted to one side, sometimes the other. Came a third and fourth and it amounted to ten when the news that something wonderful was impressed men ran through the city. Hundreds of people watched the infinite. The reference point was a little more distant than any distance. Upon arrival, journalists began interviews, exchanges of views, anecdotes. Someone had seen the figure of a monkey jumping over the rainbow, the other is a dance of stars as a kaleidoscope, the next one, the planets gathered singing Ode to Joy. Each distorted reality according to his fancy. There was no doubt, everyone had enjoyed the wonder.
(From the book Parables for a deaf ear , Miguel Angel Fraga)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Defrost Microwave Time For Sausages



Solito was
between two opposite seas, seas
the same care with the little baby that was taught,
trying to love both,
felt the hatred of the two
not know what love was true,
wanted to know,
but his age and circumstances of your life,
not allowed. Solito
could exceed
that moved every two seas
again and tidal waves, colliding with each other.
followed his
step forward with everything around him, little by little,
was learning what love was. The two seas
protecting him, they could not teach
that great feel and live, learn
sailing between the two seas,
but separately. The
I picked the boat and started sailing
with every wind that day I could bring,
alone and with little old cross
someday down the road he decides to make,
choice will be yours alone,
his life, with everything you are learning,
be full of wisdom,
because their learning is already taking effect. Solito
accompanied by the seas that one day he traveled,
guide his way he has painted, colored and with life.
Solito and accompanied
flying downwind,
carried away by his strength.
My desire, you arrive at your destination.
This how much you want.

thousand kisses, Ross.

How To Do The Tuck Drag

Parody dance of four swans Ballet Trockadero Exotísame

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Instead Of Baking Paper

This time the gang wore Tertullian in style. We show, without doubt, that with imagination and willing can achieve what we want. Exotísame was a small study of something that could be done on a larger scale in a larger location with all the friends we know. This time the hostess was Silvita and islet became too small to accommodate so many hungry castaways.
The contest ran for exotic food: The name of the dish more chic, the best presentation and best flavor. The objective fundamental was fun, but no one would be the last contest, so the vote was close.
dishes in competition were: Ambrosia
Eight Powers: shrimp cocktail served in Bohemian crystal glasses with a side of Iranian lettuce, mushrooms, egg, mayonnaise, chopped tomatoes, lime and cucumber slices. Sista
Kejsarens Prickiga Ballar (balls peppered the Emperor), sushi, rice balls stuffed with smoked salmon, chives and ginger in tanning, flecked with sesame seeds. Hellenic Piovra
squid, shrimp and mussels in tomato sauce with peas. Fried
Cuqui: frituritas taro to Miramar (Dona Leticia secret). Le Zumba
the Eggplant: Eggplant stuffed with mincemeat of the habanera and béchamel sauce baked au gratin.
The Gryta (pan) of Love: chicken fillet with curry sauce and coconut milk with peppers cut into heart shapes. Machu Picchu
Chicken rice with chicken marinated in cilantro and Peruvian spices. Pineapple Sorbetto
served in the fruit itself.
In my opinion, all the dishes were worthy winners, but there was only one winner and that was Anna with his stunning and exotic cake named Aphrodite La Tota . With that name, decorating with fruit and cream, chunks chocolate and condensed milk delicacy among the layers of the panetela, who could not resist to try it twice.

There was also a pre contest. Had to guess what it was the prize. The tracks were not part of the mineral kingdom, has utility and may be stored in a pocket. After a round of mistakes, offered another clue has to do with the day's activity. A dish towel, "suggested Helena. Warm, warm. An apron-interrupted guess Victor and entertainment received as chocolate bars. Now it was Anna unpack your prize and prove it to the prying eyes of male heterosexuality.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Salutatorian Elementary Welcome Address

that you, Gigi? In the well

Gigi ... Gigi, are you?
Why hide your friendship?
What in the world so happy
That leaves no closer?
Gigi ... Where are you?

not scare me I know your voice shakes
feel your footsteps. Long ago

hope you are so lonely here.
not know how to play alone with my dreams
you help me?
your company is so good! Contigo
I better armed.
I miss you so much!
But Gigi, just come once and I could not do more
I want no more of these dolls and toys
I want something real.
In a game where you and I are the heroes.
Invent a story for me, Gigi
An old story of the country yesterday
relive the history
A story of love, Gigi. That'll be the princess is
Momo and you Girolamo
You do what it takes to win my love

And I ...
break the magic mirror and I will turn deadly.
I will come to the country today to get you
And walk without getting tired by this land may no longer be
which initially was because walking barefoot

With a colorful skirt and More patches
my heart will live for you. We meet once

And we will be partners in misfortune
Because you, my prince
The fairy was a lump in your breast
And not let you remember. I untie the knot

And you know who I am.
'm Momo! Do not you recognize me? The same princess
mirror! And you're
My Gigi. Tight

will live together in the same bed
We become immortal
Because love can do anything.
also give you a kiss, a big kiss.
But ... Gigi where are you?
I can not see your face Do not want
kiss you? Take my tenderness

My ambition
That small part of all
In which I develop.
Now you get to me. Let's throw stones

From your hideout.
Gigi ... Gigi is it you who is stalking me?
The music unites us do not you listen?
Regálme your dreams, Gigi
Make me part of your inventions
In your universe
Do not you realize how much I need?
desoigas not the urgency of a friend
The peace that emanates from the love is not unconditional promise

future is not the time spent on course.

I am here And you, Gigi ... Will you come?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

St Bernard Crossed With Newfoundland

could barely distinguish clearly in the opening of the hole from ten feet deep where he was. It was really amazing to be alive and without fractures. The flashes dazzled her sight. He had received invitations of all types: interviews for radio, television and press reports about his condition, first aid medical assistance. Also the support necessary to leave the site wet and cold.
thought that just last week was a complete nobody who lived on the pitiful wages that gave him his factory pattern. At home he was always a disaster, divorced and with a couple of children adrift easy conquests in the bars and partying buddies were all I had tasted in life.
could now conclude that it was relatively lucky. Sometimes things, without being written, they happen to say that life is not and will remain as one has lived. This is not anything I wanted but is relieved to have been away from the noise and fatigue. Even offers of money and incentives have flattered his ears. From his tiny position in the bottom of a well into which he fell by accident, has links with those who want to rescue him from above. Selection
not short, he just has to be selective in accepting this or that. Tie a rope and be redeemed once and for all is the immediate solution but it will mean that in a couple of weeks after passing the euphoria of the rescue, again be the same nobody.
In this brooding when he saw the basket in which he had received food with first aid. His message was clear to all curious heads high in the hole waiting for your response. Not leave the well. Supplies should continue sending them in the basket attached to a rope.

in the well. Six months later.
get bored too cramped feet and can barely keep up. Sticking hands unable to hold on to the walls around him. Has long since stopped listening to voices. The reporters were the first to leave. Nobody overlooking the hole. The help they receive from above is becoming more sporadic. In the basket just enough food for one day.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Griha Pravesh Invitation Suggestion


The power of love can do it all, such is their power that moves heaven and earth, tremble
beasts, moving everything in its scope, skies, seas, oceans.
This power is the best weapon to destroy what is evil, what is wrong,
it is not fair, what makes us be in bad cituaciones, all evil is destroyed,
then, is when it again begins to build,
little by little, placing the first stone, however small, is
huge return, it is the beginning.
This power we all have inside and out, is that we must never forget,
is there to help each one of us,
are many / as they do not know, nor want to know, that
power to love and be loved in the same way, is the immense strength,
that moves everything, create, build and live, because that is the work of the "power of love."

The soul is free,
and starts to fly,
the wind is in your favor,
always with her.
whispers in the wind.
And the "power of love"
always protect you.

Kisses "power of love" and a bunch of hugs, Ross.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tatoos Japanese Writing

first book on the Cuban bloggers

The table has served to stimulate discussion, debate, or just observation. The first step has been taken. Buena Vista Social Blog -published by Editorial Aduana Vieja (Valencia, 2010) - contains expert studies of the phenomenon, without intention of prophets, advocate a Cuban blogosphere has its fingers in the wounds of the XXI century. Testimony and also posts bloggers relevant to the consideration of the editor Beatriz Calvo Peña. Interesting and a solid base to take into account, Buena Vista Social Blog book format takes the windows of internet and new ones open for dialogue and freedom of expression. The phenomenon is fairly new, the book also.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Specialized Crossroads Sport Vs Trek 7100

Beijing Opera at the Central Library of Malmö

China welcomes the new year as its schedule. As part of this festival the president of the Chinese Swedish Camber of Commerce presented the theater group and actors Lien Feng Peking Opera at the Central Library of Malmö. It was an unusual and significant event. My eyes Western man received a big impact. Dance, music, acrobatics, a colorful and vibrant show. I was excited like the present. The space designed for reading and study to be stopped by magic and charm of Chinese art. Continuous applause echoed between shelves and books.