Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dango Daikazoku Guitar Chords


Friendship, strong squeezes the heart and soul,
its mark when nothing is known about the person you want to know,
Amistad, which was lost without knowing why,
where you are, that's wrong, why you say nothing at
perhaps have done something that you did well?,
perhaps decidistes change your life around, to your friendship?
may not know why I know nothing, think you know, and think
not protect you in the same way.
Friend, I'm still here,
Tell me yes, tell me all your rants,
are caused by not knowing why,
tell me that everything is flowing in the same way, only
life has given us a space, so that one day
we meet again,
talk for hours on end,
of our love,
of our lives and thoughts, our beliefs
tell me if you,
just that.

When someone is lost on the way, ask yourself a thousand times, what happened to this person, which helped me, where is your strength and energy, which from time to time, it was seen by my life, trying to know it, but nothing happens, like life, would not this time, we meet again, two separate paths that increasingly, but it is the essence of what was and someday, I know that the flame of friendship burning again, is what I want.

walk together.
With all my love, I wish you a good day, Ross.


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