Friday, October 22, 2010

Where Does A Toilet On A Boat Empty


The end of our days are eternal.

A silent thought was passing through my mind, a vibration
giant approached my chair,

where he remained asleep, while tending
of being that brought me to the world.

End of our time are eternal. It was my thought
a deep feeling, in which he was feeling, living and experiencing
. Only

know me, also born an end of my days,
to be more loved in those moments,
already was suffering, while I watched,
I was considering the certainty of knowledge, the final
of our time, is eternal.

struggles on and rebolcamos us survive the pain of the complaint, pain, hatred, neglect, hypocrisy, malice, animosity, enmity, falsehood, cruelty, violence, knowing beforehand hand, the end of our days, are eternal.

us live everyday with the good in our hands, always with forgiveness in our voice, open heart, at peace with oneself and with others, humility, carry it with you, which is part of TII , your essence, your wisdom, your being here and now. Respect yourself and respect, AMA.

From time guys were saying,
The good go to heaven, bad to hell.
And now we're great,
we should know that the end of our days,
wherever it is, are eternal.

going to be good,
loves you, Ross.


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