Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tattoo Ideas For Second Chances

WISH ...

OS I sincerely hope, that you spend a pleasant PARTY. HAPPY TO BE FRIENDS, EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR, SMILE AND ENJOY ALL THE GOOD MOMENTS THAT GIVES LIFE. With all my love, Merry Christmas.

Close your eyes, make a wish
and what you thought and confirmed?
OK, now feel everything that you asked,
as if you did,
remuebe all the emotions inside,
you think you can live,
if your hands at this time you did,

Practice this every day,
with yourself and your being. Dale
time to time, be patient
but if I feel
that only you want.

I wish ...

heart Kisses, Ross.

Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Find My Licensc Number In Quickbooks F5


rains in the wet.
The sound is beautiful,
a constant cliccleo water drops




still sound,
I'm back, I'm fine
time is nothing,
only a semblance of our reality.

Deep thinking. Limp

my hand,
ssssssssssssss, say nothing,
is over, we return to be fine,
quiet, I'm with you. Deep


Go out, wet your rain, and soak
That water heating you bones,
nothing will happen, you just get wet
, nothing more,
then, do your mission, your purpose
, your desire, your dream, wet your
but do not wait.

life A toast to friends,
heart kisses, Ross.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Why Does May Have Tits In Pokemon


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Baby Heat Stroke Statistics

After a couple of weeks of delay, non-delivery of some materials, we continue to work on the new grandstand. Is expected in two weeks more about making the concreting of the same and thus conclude with the first third of the new official plates.

Also note that the collection for vs raffles. Cambaceres was $ 1,830 pesos, vs. JJUrquiza was $ 1,510 and vs. Alem was $ 1,580 pesos .-
Thanks to all who work with this project without the help of all this would not be possible.

Find us on Facebook by New Tribune Workshops
email to communicate:
Days meetings Tuesday at 19:30 am at our headquarters. Let
supporting this project. Sub
New Tribune.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Portable Volleyball Poles


My fingers start typing, the words passed through my mind without notice, confuse fatigue with the search for what you do not come to mind. As flashes made
syllables and letters, move swirling,
not stop turning for wanting to achieve a gap where to stop.

eyes begin to close in slowly and by seconds,
was almost lost in that space we call you sleep,
the body, almost motionless,
just feel well for that feeling. They return
converted syllables in words,
and not let the rest is total,

nothing can disturb this moment, that somehow
is another way of resting awake.
But now, with your permission, I go to sleep
I lose in that space
without it, no one could live awake. Rest

friends and sweet dreams,
Besitos, Ross.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Best Masterbate Dolls


My days of sun, comes to mind after tragic and unexpected death of someone so dear and beloved as I madresita soul. I let that fresh air that she always carried, so I have to get up, be strong and keep laughing with life, continue thanking all you tube and I still have. This is my lovely day, every time you want to be well, happy, happy, every time to provide something in this corner, be positive, energetic and with all the joy a sunny day can bring. To be complete, I need you, because ye are many who have helped me, unconditionally "Message of light, the power of life", you are many who enter, aportais your thoughts, your opinion, some are step and leave the impression of being followers, others only that, incidentally, those anonymous, you are welcome, others, despite their negativity to the writing, have dared to say or want to do harm in some way by their words short and cruel, forgive me if I did not want comments that come to light, but it's better because I do not get in the game of silly words, to those, also thank you because they have been in my home and safe that have been a good thing.

This Ross, I want, I will be very heavy with this phrase, but it is, because you have filled the cloudy day of sunshine, falling everywhere and my house has been so lit up, full of life, full of joy, sad day leave to one side, to start another chapter in my life is not easy, the smallest of the family, my mother always protected me, will continue from another place, that's for sure.

Here you have the link, in: MIS DIAS DE SOL, I hope you like it is for all of you, you deserve it all, the link is:

My best quote for today:

I feel strong, healthy and happy, Ross wishes you a good day.

Monday, November 1, 2010

What To Wear At Kdp Sorority Initiation

raising your flight.

We are part of a whole, where life, sometimes it hurts so that the whole becomes a nothing, without knowing why?. Where to go after what is said lived a life

whole, with all of you can give children and elderly, suffering, disease, distress, happiness, joy, energy , this energy going throughout our body, where it is?, what happens next. Doubts filled

around a bit, then make their experiences emerge these thoughts. Move the mind as places unknown circumstances

required, and such is the feeling that you analyze every molecule in your body to know why it is now the emotion, feeling , weakness, feelings without losing your sanity, you move to slide through life and death.

A walk through all lived in no time, but if time does not exist! Is another phrase that seeps into all these thoughts without giving a clear explanation, step and stop going after it, another wanted to know more.

A destination, a sigh,
a time, a myriad of sensations.

That end we all know but do not want to see, because nobody introduced him at the time, just let us know it's there, part of life when there is nothing to do here.
insist and find a consistent reason to take me to the most satisfied response from all my

questions that are just a small part of what you might know, if everything were as I really want to be. And what we want to be?, You will wonder, I know what I want to be, only I am, what else is that we cover decorations small and thin layers of infinite space, time and space, in which the day comes that nobody got rid of him.

As support this weight, which is full of emptiness when you yourself, know for sure that is welcome, given the circumstances surrounding it, even with the pain and suffering that is gone.


Fought to the end,

do not want to go,

and your hand caress me,

and your eyes, I said it all,

and your
breathing was becoming slower,

and you,

undressing find your way,

as llegastes into this world naked,

You slept in the walk,

and accidentally leave,


I get up, get up ...

and set up.

you raised the flight,

watching your children,

grandchildren and all your loved ones

and let the fresh air ,

the passage of your life,

carry around.

ondo and deep breathe,

you inhale,

feel you,

perceive you.

You got up,

and stayed.

I love you mom, Rosa.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Where Does A Toilet On A Boat Empty


The end of our days are eternal.

A silent thought was passing through my mind, a vibration
giant approached my chair,

where he remained asleep, while tending
of being that brought me to the world.

End of our time are eternal. It was my thought
a deep feeling, in which he was feeling, living and experiencing
. Only

know me, also born an end of my days,
to be more loved in those moments,
already was suffering, while I watched,
I was considering the certainty of knowledge, the final
of our time, is eternal.

struggles on and rebolcamos us survive the pain of the complaint, pain, hatred, neglect, hypocrisy, malice, animosity, enmity, falsehood, cruelty, violence, knowing beforehand hand, the end of our days, are eternal.

us live everyday with the good in our hands, always with forgiveness in our voice, open heart, at peace with oneself and with others, humility, carry it with you, which is part of TII , your essence, your wisdom, your being here and now. Respect yourself and respect, AMA.

From time guys were saying,
The good go to heaven, bad to hell.
And now we're great,
we should know that the end of our days,
wherever it is, are eternal.

going to be good,
loves you, Ross.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Can You Get High On Skelaxon

Advances in Advance grandstand grandstand Working full swing full swing

After nearly 9 weeks of work the construction company, is progressing well and is expected to fill the slab if the weather in three weeks more. You have paid the company $ 29,000 pesos. Next Saturday vs.
. Cambaceres be selling raffle draw at the halftime. The value is $ 5 pesos numbers and 3 numbers for $ 10 pesos. We hope the cooperation of all to continue with the works.

Find us on Facebook by New Workshops
Mail Tribune to communicate:
day meeting Tuesday at 19:30 am at our headquarters. Let
supporting this project. Sub
New Tribune.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Which Is The Brightest H7 Hid Bulb

we have left.

What's left?
we have nothing,
only crumb of what was
and could not be.

What we have, we have the half
without knowing who we are,
or with whom we spoke.

What we have,
when everything is fought, and conquered
flag on the tower.

We still something?
if anything, is suffering
of what might have been,
no thanks, it already was.

placing the missing pieces ...
kisses and cuddles, Ross.

Friday, October 15, 2010

What To Wear At A Sorority Initiation


ALL ABOUT. Nothing is permanent and no emotion.
Everything comes and goes like day and night.
There will be moments of joy and moments of sadness. Accept
as part of the duality of life is the very nature of existence ...

Everything happens ... Everything changes ... That's Evolution ...

Good weekend to all, smile, enjoy and be happy, that everything passes.

thousand kisses, Ross .

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Which Font For An Order Of Service

After almost 8 weeks of work is still working at full pace for filling in the coming weeks. Are being paid $ 26,000 thousand dollars to the contractor to date.

Furthermore, we inform you that the proceeds from the match vs. raffle. Argentino de Merlo was $ 1,725 \u200b\u200bdollars and the game vs. Laferrere was $ 1,080 pesos.
Thank you for your cooperation.

tanbien Find us on Facebook by New Tribune
Workshops Email to communicate:
Days meetings Tuesday at 19:30 am at our headquarters. Let
supporting this project. Sub
New Tribune.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pokémon Emerald How To Get Detox


Some other chew the falsity of their lives,
are unable or stomp , to their loved ones.
autocomvencen is your own attitude,
with unquestionable forms of not knowing who they are.


steal that part of you that at times, might lose
before even knowing who you are, yourself, know who you are more
, than themselves.
Vanpiros, sucking the life, take away your life energy,
dive into your fears and doubts,
becoming owners of your life,
of your emotions and feelings.

You're not to know who you are.
are thorns that one glance, you
dig into the heart.

not know who they are, not found in this world, wasting their time watching
forms of criticizing others and their lives.
Unable to walk alone, always go in groups.
His loneliness, they are terrified, you can not hear even one second, then
enter into the deepest consciousness of what they do,
begin to know your soul,
walk against his interior.

fill the void with its glass-plated hate evil,
and giving a drink, your blood is taking its red ennegresido,
because his life has no colors, just pain.
And runs through his body the poison that they themselves have developed
his entire being is drenched with only one of its crown Solbes.
The pain you feel is your gun.
His weapon is so deadly that only a glance, you can leave
chaos, are vampires of essences.

The way to deal with them,
"best not to confront"
let them pass through your life,
only in passing, let them go.
They take something from you,

but not going to like,
that makes them bad, because they take you
having been known,
part of your goodness as a human being
and greatness of being who you are and knowing who you are.
is the best way to deal with
l @ s

Vampires Essence. "

protect you well on your way friends
Light to make it happen with kisses and cuddles, Ross.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Is It Normal To Still Have Wet Dreams At 26

COEXISTENCE, a blue world.

with good music, is best cleaned.


We live together? or just pass by without looking at us?
What way is this to be all in the same house?,
going to organize our world, is everything in between,
all wrong place, is very dirty and smelly,
what we do not leave it lying on soil,
for pick another and that one, thinks the same.

But hey, what is this?
our house looked great and look how small we are staying,
going to make room for the environment. Come
!, All to collect, organize and begin to organize,
all one, live equally with respect and above all,
humanely. Because sometimes I wonder,
where our humanity, we have lost, we do not know
live, because everything is in disarray.

Self is a pure mess, let's start there,
be a good start and then all at UNO,
live in peace in our world, our home, our home.

We live in a better world. Besos

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

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few days ago I was lucky to be chosen by one of my blogger friends, Gemini, that here, we go back to say thank you because I am one of the chosen, I did not expect, indeed, did not know it was me, when I saw published in his bloog. She confirmed it, good start. This game like everyone else, has its rules, first I have to put the link of the person I chose:

1.Bloog of "Diary of a Gemini"

  1. http://diariodeunageminis. /

    2.Elegir four people:

    40añera, one more. Aixa
    in (Dreams)
    Hoka Hey.
    The Heart and pen.

    3.Tengo do know these people that I have nominated.

    4.Cosas always in my bag:

    I want to take up smoking, but do not know when the time will come: a package of snuff.
    The mobile, I can not go anywhere without your mobile, traveling all day and I is
    necessary, mobile charger, a pack of tissues.

    4.Cosas favorite of my room.

    My bed.
    A witch who lives in his crystal ball. MyPyramid
    my window, big, tall, all wood, in winter I see it black to open, but
    not matter to me, all that light enters my room needs.

    4.Cosas I always wanted to do:

    Travel around the world, is something I've always had in mind, but from there to
    you do, there is a big jump, but nothing is impossible.
    Further study, I began to study late, late, very late, but as
    proverb says, "better late than never" was a beginning in my life for all, both personally and professionally
    today, I devote myself to it, do my work with people who have intellectual disabilities
    is part of my life, a great part and I am very rewarding,
    I like to be more, I will and will not be far away. Top
    balloon, balloon up I do not know if I am holding out or if I dare, but I always wanted to go
    balloon, I will say, not so hard that, well no, not, but
    has not arrived yet. .. Driving
    a piece of motorcycle, mmmmmmm, I see!

4 Things I like right now.

My home, I like my house, I live in a house when I went to see her, I gave that thing
good vibes, I connected with her, was old, damaged, empty and dirty,
gave her life, a good cleaning, paint and some furniture, very few, I like the clarity, nothing
of thickets in a house many flowers, lots of light.
my job, I feel good, I am comforted and I have a great environment with peers and colleagues
, very healthy and fun and to say to my children and I call them,
although age is not a child, but his mind could not grow any more, there remained, the care and pampering
, I give all the love that is in my hands.
Going to the movies with my son, I like to have fun and laugh, have fun and always try
the day, take great.
Being with the family, I am the youngest of a strip of sisters, every day, if the weather lets me
, we take that delicious coffee together, We love us and we take care
each other as brothers and sisters we are.

4.Cosas You Did not Know Me:

My Big Love, I have it in the distance, it is hard and suffer, but feel, is best
and is becoming stronger. Soon we will be together.
I'm good at massage, a small part of my life, I dedicate to it.
I have one job, my job allows me to have free time I dedicate this too ... in
work, always look for what I like and find it. This time, a part of the day, with
elderly, I give what I can and take care of them.
meditate every day, is a way to relax my soul, heart, body and mind
what you suggest.
Sometimes I like being a clown, I like the jokes, be funny, joke to others,
make people laugh, that, a clown, this is me, ea!.

songs that I can out of my head:

MMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, there is no me, so many will not have, well, "The Promise" by Tracy Chapman is my song, our song, very special in my life, I always carry with me.

Well, there you have a little more míiii, so come, have play this game, I like, I know each of you, if you can clear ... I can?
Many kisses, hugs and four strokes full of all that I said to the former.
I want, Ross.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Is Borges Olive Oil A Good Oil


Witch At this time, where the ladies with top hat and wand in his hand, he rebels the wind and land, magic words to transform his best wishes to obtain what they want and so on shouting his sentences with power, so that his magic is the power they want.
I am a lady with a hat tip or rod in my hand, but today, I have the luxury of being able to make a wish. So close my eyes, breathe ondo, blow my candle and just pass through my mind the magic words that my magic is the power of my deepest desire.

As a little girl with the best gift, smile for life to have what I have today and give thanks for everything, even what I have not yet. Today is one of those days that I examine my life and I think a day like today, I came to this world and has spent many years (well, not many, or yeah)
Today is the day that my mother had for me first time in his arms,
today is the day that I breathed and felt for the first time the outside world,
today is the day, I cried, I screamed and began to live in this world that today, I'm here.
I have to thank this day, this is a thank you,
to my mother, my father and the universe, for giving me the pleasure of living, feeling, being and love.

The years go by, there's no stopping him and while still in this world, is welcome.

Friends, you are all invited to my birthday party prohibited from bringing gifts, you are my best gift.
And that guy that is just one of many that meets taitantos, I want.

Kisses, Ross.


Thanks friend, just my birthday, and I learn noo?, Kisses.